About Us

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Company Profile
DAS ENGINEERING WORKS is a professionally managed organization engaged inExporter , Manufacturer , Trader & Supplier of various types quality valves.
The company has gained a wealth of experience covering the manufacture of various types of valves. It has always kept place with the rapid development of modern high-technology production techniques and in turn, evolved a basic understanding of the client’s needs. Our Company is a well-established manufacturer of  Ball Valve, Rapid Transfer Port (RTP),  Split Butterfly Valve, Manual Butterfly Valve, ON-OFF Valve and Manual Ball Valve
Established in 1997, with a sheer vision to understand and explore the valve Industry and a willingness to take a huge leap over a period of time, “Das Engineering Works” provides high-Quality products at a competitive price and a great focus on continuous quality improvements with a latest effective design and manufacture facilities.

We as a responsible company take everything concerned with the product seriously: service, support and availability. We take care of our customers not only before sales but after sales support in all phases of application. We believe in long term relationship with our esteemed customers.
Our Mission
To build strong relationships, built on trust and respect for all our team members, customer, and suppliers. praise is positive
Our Vision
Chasing the best quality, innovating skills constantly, providing service immediately, and creating a win-win condition with clients. Best quality products and optimum solutions for our customers.
Our Values
Treat people how we like to be treated and ask more than tell. These ideas are at the heart of our values.
Our thirst for betterment and continuous innovation ensures that everybody is encouraged to generate new and creative ideas which prompts us to respond to the present and future needs of our customer.

About Us

DAS ENGINEERING WORKS is a professionally managed organization engaged inExporter , Manufacturer , Trader & Supplier of various types quality valves.Our Company is a well-established manufacturer of Ball Valve, Rapid Transfer Port (RTP), Split Butterfly Valve, Manual Butterfly Valve, ON-OFF Valve and Manual Ball Valve.

Contact Us


Unit No.4, Scout Camp Road, Opp. Raighad Military School, Behram Baug, Jogeshwari (W), Mumbai - 400102 (INDIA).

Office Cont. No.


Email Id:-

dasengineering@rediffmail.com/ daspumps@gmail.com

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